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“螺旋形”的教育建筑 -龙8long8手机登录




在曼谷郊区,plan architect完成了一座名为“肯辛顿学习空间”的教育建筑。螺旋形体量的设计使每个空间都受益于自然光线和绿色庭院的视野。


in a suburban area of bangkok, plan architect has completed an educational building called ‘the kensington learning space’. housing both classrooms and a sports complex, the spiral-shaped mass is designed so that each and every space benefits from natural light and views onto a green courtyard.  



由于其 “不那么有趣 “的郊区位置,plan architect决心赋予学习空间自己的氛围,这一点通过引人注目的建筑来实现。”为每个房间提供自然光和景观的概念推动了最初的设计过程。



with its ‘not-so-interesting’ suburban location, plan architect resolved to give the learning space its own atmosphere, which is achieved by the striking architecture. the concept of providing each room with natural light and views drove the initial design process. from a cube-like box to a linear volume, the design team finally landed on a spiral-shaped building with a central courtyard, which allows windows on both sides of each room. 






the spiral grows thicker toward the front of the building to house the sports complex zone. these bigger spaces contain the swimming pools and a huge column-free gym for the kids to play freely. the narrow part of the spiral is situated toward the rear of the site and it contains the classrooms. here, the children are brought closer to nature, allowing them to learn among the trees.





the highlight of the building has to be the roof garden, which kids can access from the ramp that slowly spirals around the courtyard. from learning to playing and discovering nature, the kensington learning space encompasses it all.






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